
Irish Ice Cream Lovers
Sean and Kieran Murphy started Murphy's Ice Cream in Dingle, Co. Kerry in 2000, with the goal of making the best ice cream in the world. Our uachtar reoite gleoite is produced in the Gaeltacht area of Corca Dhuibhne, an area with special linguistic status, where the Irish language is still spoken on a daily basis.

Ice Cream Makers
There’s no real trick to what we do, we just take care and use the best of everything. Murphy's Ice Cream uses milk from the rare, indigenous breed of Kerry cow because the milk is so wonderful. We have a great team behind the scenes who are instrumental in what we do, and if you’re in our shops, say hi to Aine, Louise, Jack, Kevin, Stephen, Karen - they and all the others are the people who keep Murphy's going!